Explore Invested Stories
Our stories are complex and we have an enemy set against us.
As a result, your stories are also a blend of light and dark, “good” and “bad”. Some are the result of your interactions with others and some are grounded solely in the choices you alone made. And yet, whether light or dark, “good” or “bad”, shared or singular, the only real context you have for your stories resides in the heart of God.
It is in and through a unique, conversational relationship with God that you connect to his heart and are able to understand the stories that make up your life and the battle you are in. For it is only by engaging your stories with integrity and in truth, firmly grounded in the love of God, that you are able to live out of the glory God created in you before you were born. The glory he intends to impact the world with ... your true self.
It is the only way to truly live. And to live truly.
God will redeem your story and your gifting. In all of its darkness and light. In all of the pain, trauma, and joy. He will redeem.
And yet, we live a broken world and we are opposed. The World, The Flesh and The Devil come against you and you must go to war - for ourself and for others!
God uses your redeemed stories and gifting, grounded firmly in His love, to connect you deeply to himself and others that you might live
Alive! Full! Free!
We design our Gatherings, Retreats, Events, and Courses to facilitate Going Deeper. Deeper into your Stories. Deeper into your Union with God. Deeper into Creating Environments where Life can Flourish. Deeper into understanding of and the ability to resist The Opposition. All that we might live
Alive! Full! Free!